日前, 伊顿公学官宣开启2024伊顿Orwell Award奖学金计划! 一场关于荣誉、金钱和学术的竞争战即将打响!
日前,伊顿公学已经官宣正式开启2024伊顿Orwell Award奖学金计划!
什么是Orwell Award奖学金计划呢?
Orwell Award以乔治·奥威尔的名字命名,乔治·奥威尔曾就读于伊顿公学,并作为伊顿公学学生获得过经济援助。 奥威尔奖的获得者在伊顿公学的整个教育过程中无需支付任何费用,并获得津贴,使其能够在学校生活中发挥充分和有益的作用。
Orwell Award还有另外两个部分,即6th Form音乐奖和MCM戏剧奖。每年有12 名才华横溢的男孩获得Orwell Award。
Orwell Award与许多其他奖学金不同, 除了评估申请人的学术潜力外,获得奖学金的标准还包括申请人的个人情况。因此,伊顿会根据特定标准对申请人进行评估。
2024年9月入围的Orwell Award申请现已开放。申请截止日期为2023年9月22日。
值得注意的是,除Orwell Award之外,伊顿还设有多项学术奖学金,优中选优,颁发给学术和综合素质都顶级优秀的学生。
● 13+入学阶段的奖学金考试包括:
King’s Scholarships;
New Foundation Scholarship;
Music Awards;
● 6th Form阶段的奖学金考试包括:
Orwell Awards;
MCM Drama Award;
Sixth Form Music Award;
奖学金考试难度更大,获得伊顿奖学金的学生学术能力都顶级优秀。以13+入学的King’s Scholarships为例,其考试的真题是这样的(私信学姐微信: LiuXxue365获取真题答案):
● 英语考试
1、Look carefully at the images in Sources 1 - 4. Choose which ONE statue you consider the most inspiring and which ONE you consider to be the least so, explain your reasoning by close reference to the two images you have selected.
2、Write a 10 line poem, in any metrical form, celebrating the beauty of the sea.
● 历史、神学、地理
1、If you had to write a book about the history of a particular commodity such as cod or milk, what commodity (other than cod or milk) would you choose and why?
2、To what extent is Britain’s weather becoming more extreme?
● 拉丁语
1、Make the following nouns plural:
● 数学A
1、Find the value of the below image, giving your answers as reduced, mixed fractions:
2、Richard invests £7,000 in an account that gives 1.2% interest per year. He invests a second amount in a different account that offers 1.5%. Overall after one year he receives 1.25%. How much did he invest in the second account?
● 数学B
1、A marathon was due to start at midday, but Mr Tortoise was allowed to start at 7am as he can only walk, which he does at a constant speed of 3mph. At midday, Mr Hare sets off running at a constant speed of 10 ½ mph.
At what time does he overtake Mr Tortoise?
2、I am buying musical instruments. A ukulele and a xylophone together cost £120 more than a violin. A violin and a xylophone together cost £180 more than a ukulele.
How much does a xylophone cost?
● 科学:数据
1、 Give the word equation for photosynthesis.
● 科学:理论
1、Michael Johnson’s world-record time over 400 m is 43.2 s.
What is Michael Johnson’s world-record average speed over 400 m? Include the correct unit with your answer.
● 普通试卷 II
1、Professor Brabazon’s subject is media studies. This has been defined as the field of study that deals with the content, history and effects of various media; in particular, the “mass media.”
We do not currently teach this subject at Eton. Should we?
2、“The impact of social media upon individuals and society has been profoundly negative.”
Discuss this.
比如伊顿公学13+入学申请中的国王奖学金( King’s Scholarships)。 伊顿根据13岁入学男孩的学术能力评估奖学金获得者。每年大约有14名学生获得伊顿国王奖学金。
伊顿国王奖学金考试旨在寻找最有能力的候选人,因此其要求非常高。 大多数考试试卷都有广泛的出题范围,具有出色学术能力的男孩需抓住机会证明自己;考官热衷于奖励表现出个人能力的男孩,即使只是有限领域。 每位奖学金申请者必须完成几篇必修Paper(目前为英语、创意写作、数学 A、科学和综合 I)以及至少3篇选修Paper(法语、拉丁语、希腊语、数学 B、综合 II 和历史地理神学)等科目的考试。
伊顿公学对于国王奖学金申请人的 英语、科学等学科能力都有明确且细化的要求:
申请英国私校, 申请者基本都需要参加11+、13+或者16+入学考试,仅仅是入学考试本身对于中国申请者而言也是很有挑战性的。
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